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The Sacred Paschal Triduum Is Here At Last!

Writer's picture: Fr. JoeFr. Joe

Brothers and sisters, on this last day of March we stand on the threshold of the Sacred Paschal Triduum, ready to plunge into Holy Thursday (Last Supper) and Good Friday (Crucifixion and Death) in preparation to burst forth from the tomb with Jesus at Easter! It's hard to believe that our Lenten journey is almost over. Lent is a strange season since it often seems like such a slog moment to moment but then is somehow over before we know it! I hope it has been a very fruitful and transformative journey for you. Now it is time to bring all of your prayers and penances to their ultimate fulfillment with the most intense, beautiful and holy time of the entire year, the Triduum!

This is why Holy Week, and the Triduum more specifically, is the time when we increase our prayer, fasting and penances. We may want to let off the gas a bit as we near the end, but God is offering us so many wonderful graces during Holy Week, if we are only open to them and seek to finish strong.

So I encourage yo- 9pm in the churchthe way to Easter. You won't be disappointed! Therefore, increase the amount of time you spend in prayer in these final days. Go to the amazing Triduum liturgies that the Church offers (see the schedule below for the Reservation liturgies). Also, take time to slowly and prayerfully read through one of the Passion narratives at the end of each of the Gospels and perhaps go back through St. Mark's version that we heard at Mass last Sunday (Passion Sunday) or preview St. John's account that will be proclaimed on Good Friday. Another outstanding way to increase your prayer is to enter into the Divine Mercy Novena, which begins on Good Friday and ends on Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter). Those who faithfully pray this novena can receive a plenary indulgence by also meeting the normal indulgence requirements (pray for the intentions of the pope; go to Confession and receive the Eucharist within 20 days of finishing the novena; let go of all attachments to sin). See this link for the novena.

Also increase the amount of silence in your life so you can hear God speaking to you (reduce audible noise, but also the noise from cell phones, computers, etc.).

And last, but not least, increase your fasting and abstinence from foods. Of course, observe what the Church requires (i.e. no meat and only one full meal and two snacks on Good Friday), but go beyond this as well in your own personal ways. It is difficult for sure, but very powerful! And I urge you to extend your Good Friday fasting and abstinence into Holy Saturday, all the way up to Easter. Jesus wasn't partying and feasting on Holy Saturday, He was still in the tomb, so it is a very good practice for us to live out Holy Saturday too as a day of deep prayer and penance with Him. Below is a marvelous ancient homily for Holy Saturday that will help guide your heart into this space!

Now, without further ado, here is the schedule for our liturgies and other events on the Reservation during the Triduum:

Little Flower

Holy Thursday Mass- 7pm in the church

Good Friday Walk- 10:30am at Starr School

Good Friday liturgy- 7pm in the church

Easter Vigil Mass- 9pm on Saturday in the church

Easter Sunday Masses- 9am and 10:30am in the church

St. Anne's

Holy Thursday Mass- 7pm in the church

No Good Friday Walk this year

Good Friday liturgy- 3pm in the church

Easter Sunday Mass- 11am in the church

Ok gang, it's a wrap! I pray that you all have a most blessed Triduum and burst forth into the Easter season like never before! God bless!!



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