If you can believe it, Lent is already here! We'll kick off this wonderful season tomorrow as we always do, with Ash Wednesday! There will be some changes this year due to the ongoing pandemic, both in our scheduling and also in how the ashes will be distributed.
Regarding distribution, here is Bishop Vetter's video where he explains it better than I probably could :)
And here is the schedule for the day. All activities are open to the public and are in Little Flower Church, except the livestream Mass and the Heart Butte service.
-Ash service 10-11am
-Ash service 12-1pm
-Livestream Mass with De La Salle Blackfeet School at 2pm (all are welcome to join)
-Mass at 4pm
-Ash service 5-6pm
-Heart Butte Ash service at 6pm at St. Anne's Church
-Ash service 7-8pm
In one final note, we will begin offering confessions on Sundays from 2-4pm during Lent, so this begins next Sunday, Feb. 21. This is in addition to our normal confession time of 7-9pm on Thursdays. Confession is such a crucial part of our journey with Christ and this is especially so during Lent, a season of returning to the Lord and shedding yourself of sin. So I urge you strongly to take advantage of these opportunities, and also to come and join us for Mass each Sunday.
Please feel free to call the parish office with questions: 338-5775. God bless and have a wonderful beginning to Lent!